Do You Hear the Cry?

Paula D. Jones
5 min readSep 21, 2017

Life is changing rapidly these days. You can see it clearly on the world’s stage. Our darkest shadows express themselves in politics, warfare, natural disasters, and hate crimes in our own communities. Every day we think, “It can’t get any worse, can it?” And then it does.

People are more polarized than ever before. We are choosing sides, laying stakes, and not budging. People take pride in being stubborn, calling names, and hating their fellow humans.

God knows no sides. Life doesn’t differentiate between one or the other. That “other” is you. There is only one. One humanity. One spiritual body. One planet earth. One ecosystem calling for healing. And that healing begins with you.

Do you hear the cries of the planet? The hurricanes that ravish our shores. The earthquakes that shake our cities. The floods that wash away our homes. Who are we to think that we can go on living the same way we did before? Let’s get all Einstein for a sec and acknowledge that we cannot find the solution to a problem at the same level of thinking that created it.

We must start fresh, new, again, for the first time. And we are given that chance today — right now, and every day, over and over again. You are given that opportunity. You.

Yea, it’s easy to sit back and look at the world and think about how there’s all this crazy shit going on out there. It seems easier to have another drink, another smoke, another cupcake. It seems easier to beat yourself up at the gym or force yourself to work longer hours. You can’t seem to stop watching TV or movies. The video games suck you in each night and every weekend. But those problems, the ones you see played out over and over again on the 24-hour news cycle, aren’t going away.

Some of us will see these images and weep. Our hearts will break. And tears will flow down our faces, drench our shirts, and create a puddle on the floor around our bent over bodies.

Some of us will see these images and get angry. Someone is to blame and it’s not me or you — it’s them! They need to be killed, beaten, isolated, or exterminated. We become red in the face and so heated that we take it upon ourselves to do the killing. We bring out our biggest gun and kill the innocent kids playing in the yard at the mosque on the corner.

Some of us will see these images and die. The weight of the world has become too heavy. There’s no reason to live. Killing one’s self is the answer. Suicide, cardiac arrest, car accident, or cancer. Our time is over.

But then some of us will see these images and know. We know what these images really are. We see the light beneath these shadows. The light that makes these shadows possible. And we give praise! We praise God, The Universe, for answering our prayer. We kneel before nature and give thanks to her beauty and bounty. We bless our fellow humans. We call forth all those who wish to welcome this light to earth with open arms and hearts. We worship!

These problems are a reflection of the deep healing occurring within us collectively and individually. And it is you and I who are being called forth to heal this planet, to heal ourselves, and to heal each other. That means you, because YOU MATTER.

No longer can you pretend that your individual life doesn’t matter. It is naive to believe that you can be on this planet and have no effect whatsoever. It is selfish to ignore the power that lies within you. It is reckless to think the world’s problems exclude you. And it is insane to think you can stay the same throughout this all.

Do not be a vapid, ghostly body walking this planet. Because you have purpose and meaning. Because you matter. In that lies great responsibility. And you knew that when you came to this earth. You knew what you were signing up for. No longer are you allowed to shirk your responsibilities to this planet, to its people, and to yourself. In so doing, you put all in harm’s way.

You need not run out to join a political campaign, activist group, or volunteer activity. You don’t need to write a manifesto, work longer hours, or give away all your money. You don’t have to do these things unless you feel called. At this time, what you’re called to do first is to love.

Learn to love. Learn to let love in. Learn to see love as the driving force of the Universe. Learn to welcome love into your heart. Learn to give love to other people’s hearts. Learn to be love. In that journey, you will find a path that suits you. A path that heals this planet, its people, and you.

We are each an individuation of the whole. And in the whole, we see reflected all that is within ourselves.

Stop waiting. Stop denying. Stop hating. Stop thrashing. Stop resisting. Stop forcing. Stop talking. Stop shitting on this planet. Stop for just a moment. Take a deep breath. Let go. Surrender. And let in the mercy of God. You are needed now more than ever.

Do you see the tragedies in your own community? Do you hear the cry of the coral reefs dying? Do you taste the poor quality food that’s poisoning you and your children? Do you feel the sorrow of your fellow humans losing their homes? Do you smell the rancid sewer waste filling our oceans, crowding our creeks, and polluting our streets?

It’s time to get right with your soul. It’s time to come together. And it’s time for being love and allowing that love to move through you in miraculous ways. When you let the hand of God, the Universe, guide you, all you do will be like Midas. You will have a powerful touch that heals the planet.

Remember: you matter. You mean something to this world. You have a gift. You have a talent. You have a vibration that affects the environment and the people around you. You matter. And now’s the time.

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